Friday, October 31, 2008

Utensils Analyze your Food?!

Ever thought about how warm your food was before you took a bite and burned your tongue into all eternity? :P well this new idea is a fork, knife, and spoon that monitors not only the tempurature of your food, but the weight you've eaten, and analyzing the components of fat, proteins, and sugar! These devices also come with bluetooth so that you can put it on a personal nutrients sheet and keep a balance of what your eaten and if your eating healthy.

ic3 intelligent cutlery
Each utensil has a different job. the spoon weighs the food, knife takes tempurature, and the fork takes in and measures fat, protiens and such.

ic3 intelligent cutleryic3 intelligent cutlery

I think this would be sweet to have, if not only just to save your tongue :P Especially for people trying to eat healthier and not eat so much junk.

Here is the link if you want to take a better look at it:


Anonymous said...

where can i get one?

Mytronic said...

I don't see why someone whould need to know all that stuff like just be happy you have food..