Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Very Cool Shelves!

A brilliant designer named Maria Yasko came up with this idea for these beautiful shelf designs. If going for a more artsy look this is definitely something you should check out. All of her designs are inspired by nature and surroundings. I love the colors she uses, but i wouldn't know how practical some of these shelves would be, very cool though :)

modular shelving unit
Now this one down here is pretty wicked :P
modular shelving unit
Heres the link:

Monday, November 24, 2008

Making moving?

Imagine that! this new concept i can see being a hit :) This suit that you wear makes different musical sounds with every move you make. The Pacer suit receives electro impulses that show up when muscles are moved, amplifies and turns them into sound with the sensors attached to muscles. This suit is able to make rythym and melody just by dancing. It can also be looked at as theraputical treatment. I think this would be a good idea, and as the concept adds, a good encouragment for excersise. i think it will definitely get people moving!

pacer musical suit

Decathlon Fitness Cube

Ever thought about getting some fitness gear, but never knew where to put that huge hunk of equipment? Well there is a new creation for fitness people out there now called the Decathlon Fitness Cube. It's a block that has about 30 excersises you can do built into it, and works excersising all parts of the body. It's estimated at about $233, not a bad price for 30 excersises in one little box :)

domyos fitness cube

Pretty neat huh!
domyos fitness cube

domyos fitness cube

here's the website if you want to check it out:

Friday, October 31, 2008

Utensils Analyze your Food?!

Ever thought about how warm your food was before you took a bite and burned your tongue into all eternity? :P well this new idea is a fork, knife, and spoon that monitors not only the tempurature of your food, but the weight you've eaten, and analyzing the components of fat, proteins, and sugar! These devices also come with bluetooth so that you can put it on a personal nutrients sheet and keep a balance of what your eaten and if your eating healthy.

ic3 intelligent cutlery
Each utensil has a different job. the spoon weighs the food, knife takes tempurature, and the fork takes in and measures fat, protiens and such.

ic3 intelligent cutleryic3 intelligent cutlery

I think this would be sweet to have, if not only just to save your tongue :P Especially for people trying to eat healthier and not eat so much junk.

Here is the link if you want to take a better look at it:

Thursday, October 16, 2008

i-save: Water concept

When you think about it, we really do waste a lot of water in the bathroom. a 5 minute shower produces 25-50 litres of water! This i-save concept collects the water from your showers and hand washing and uses it for flushing the toilet. I think this is a good way to save on water and energy, plus..the design looks really good!

i-save, saving water in the bathroomsave water in the bathroom, use i-save bathroom concept

Friday, October 3, 2008

Why hello! Nice to download you!

So a guy named Hideaki Matsui came up with this concept of this ring that helps you save all information about a person that you just met. If you wear this ring, when people first meet and shake hands, the rings get close enough to transfer and download basic information about the other ring owner. it works on both sides, so both people exchange information.information ring hand shake

the other cool thing about this is that it comes with a ring card, which helps you retrieve information about the people you met. dont have to worry about a power source, it is provided by human tempurature, so no need to plug it in! how cool is that!futuristic information ring

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Silent Alarm Clock!

so there's this guy named Johan Brengesjo who invented this Alarm clock, but not just any alarm clock, this one is silent! There are little bracelets you wear when you sleep and when the alarm clock senses that its time for you to get up, the bracelets activate and vibrate, and can be turned off by removing the bracelets. I think this would be a super idea, especially when your in a building or house with lots of other people, this way if you had to get up early, you could use the vibration alarm, and wake up without disturbing anyone. it would also be a bit less of a bite to wake up to in the morning, rather than a jarring schreeching beep noise every morning!

silence clock

Thursday, September 11, 2008

The Moller Skycar

So there's this Moller Skycar that apparantly is a car with twin engines that can fly. it has recently been invented, and though it's still shaky and not quite finished, people believe that this could be the future way that people will travel around with.
Here's the Link:

I think that it would be pretty sweet to be able to fly to work, just in a little car that well, floats i guess :). what do you think?

First Blog ever!

Well here i am, first blog of my life lol how exciting!
im too excited for words, so why am i writing a blog you might ask?
well the answer is simple, to see if my website works lol